Course Details

Course Name:

ST117 – IADC DIT (Hydrogen Sulphide Safety).

Course Dsecription:

Employees can work safely in areas with the potential of this dangerous gas by following Hydrogen Sulfide Contingency Plan, knowing how and when to use respiratory protection and knowing the meaning of their facility’s hydrogen sulfide warning sounds and signals. This program reviews the key issues and the precautions that protect employees from H2S exposures when followed. This training covers the characteristics of H2S, symptoms of H2S exposure, exposure limits, the potential physiological effects of exposure as well as the use of H2S detection equipment, escape breathing apparatus, evacuation procedures, and safety tips for working in H2S-prone areas.

Course Outlines:

Properties and characteristics of H2S.
Physiological effects of exposure to H2S.
H2S detection.
Personnel safety equipment.
Safe practices.


All workers involved in workplaces where the possibility of H2S exposure exists.

For more information about the course:

Smart Thinking Company, 3rd Floor, 7353 Bashar Ibn Burd St, Olaya, Al            Khobar, KSA.

+966 - 0138310823