Course Details

Course Name:

ST116 – IADC DIT (Emergency Response Preparedness).

Course Dsecription:

The primary aim of the Emergency Response Preparedness (ERP) approach is to optimize the speed and volume of critical assistance delivered immediately after the onset of an emergency. The training program in EPR aims to transfer knowledge and practical know-how and to create a sustainable learning and development framework. The ability to effectively respond in an emergency relies on risk assessment, situational awareness, planning, and preparedness. This course will assist trainees with developing a foundation of practical competencies needed for emergency preparedness and crisis response.

Course Outlines:

Aims of emergency response.
Emergency and response levels.
Emergency response procedure.
Emergency checklists.
Hazards register.
Roles and responsibility.
Drilling rig emergency.
Emergency drills.
Training and competency.


Any personnel who are involved in developing an effective emergency planning system. The course offers training in the fundamentals of the emergency planning process, including the rationale behind planning.

For more information about the course:

Smart Thinking Company, 3rd Floor, 7353 Bashar Ibn Burd St, Olaya, Al            Khobar, KSA.

+966 - 0138310823